DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency) Earned Recognition, launched in 2018, is a voluntary scheme designed to work for operators of all sizes. Lorry, bus and coach operators can demonstrate they meet exemplary driver and vehicle standards. Since its launch over 100 operators have joined the scheme, with many smaller operators now coming on board.
The thought of sharing your maintenance and drivers’ hours records with DVSA may sound rather daunting, but the benefits of the scheme far out way this. Equally, DVSA will not have direct access to any of your data or systems and will work with you to fix any problems, should you miss any KPI’s. So, what are the benefits of being part of this scheme?
For more detailed information, download the DVSA Earned Recognition Scheme Guide
First of all, you must have held your operator licence for a minimum of two years. Next, you need to have IT systems in place to monitor vehicle maintenance and drivers’ hours and to check that you are meeting a set of DVSA earned recognition KPIs (key performance indicators). If you think you already have these, check the DVSA website for their list of approved systems. Finally, Operators must be audited against a defined set of standards that must be met for the operator to achieve DVSA Earned Recognition status.
As an industry recognised provider of auditing services, Ridgeway Training will ensure you have the systems in place and are fully prepared to pass the DVSA audit and achieve the full qualification.
Contact us today on 01293 535850 or drop us an email at info@ridgewaytraining.co.uk